Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sonic Colors Wii Review

Color me impressed!
(that joke has been done to death, but I had to do it)

Sonic Colors is everything we wanted it to be, and more.

#1) Gameplay: Enjoyability
Sonic Colors is one of the most outrageously fun platformers I've played this year. It mixes side-scrolling with fast paced 3D action, and does it well. And while Colors was aimed towards younger children, I think it's safe to say it can be enjoyed by just about everyone.
Score: 9

#2) Gameplay: Playability
The controls are well implemented and are responsive about 90% of the time. Every once in a while, Sonic's lofty double jump caused me to miss a platform completely. The quick-dash (sidestepping) sections worked well enough (outside of 2-player, which I will discuss later), and the homing attack very rarely targeted anything you didn't want it to. HOWEVER, the difficulty curve was crap. Some levels were insanely easy, and others were flat out painful and ate up your lives like a Nega-Wisp. These difficult stages weren't the product of bad level design as much the product of unfairly demanding platforming sections (Screen zooms out and you're left wondering where Sonic even is). The Wisps (the sonic universe's equivalent of Mario's power-ups) aid in platforming instead of hindering it by giving Sonic new ways to travel. And since some Wisps aren't unlocked until late in the game, you can return to old levels with new abilities that help you discover hidden areas or getter better times. The learning curve was around 10 minutes for the average gamer, and 20 to 30 for people who don't normally game. As far as playability goes, this game is one of the best realized Sonic games in recent years.
Score: 7

#3) Replay Value: Play Again?
Sonic Colors boasts 44 levels, all of which use the Wisp powers and Sonic's classic speed to their advantage. Each level is unique and interesting, and theres a TON of exploring to do even after you've beaten a level several times. Some of the acts are enormous and encourage the player to look in every nook and cranny for hidden items. Even if you play through each level multiple times, you'll still find new areas.. As far as Replay Value goes, exploration and the genuine platforming are the centerfold in this surprisingly fun game.
Score: 9

#4) Replay Value: Extras
Sonic Colors focuses on two types of extras: Red Rings, and Unlockable Multiplayer Stages. Red Rings  are exactly what they sound like; I.E. Rings that are Red. Each stage has 5 to collect (excluding boss fights), and a plethora of different ways to collect them. They aren't pointless (or mandatory) either, they unlock new levels in the Sonic Simulator (multiplayer) and if you collect all 180, you gain the ability to (SPOILER ALERT)turn into super sonic in normal stages(END SPOILER ALERT). On the note of multiplayer, it honestly isn't that good. If you go too fast and leave your friend behind in the dust, they lose a life and are teleported back to you. This wouldn't be a big issue if you didn't start with 2 shared lives. The Sonic Simulator (which is SUPPOSED to be a mulitplayer experience) is much better if you play it like the rest of the game; single player.
Score: 7

#5) Graphics: Technical
Little to no graphical issues. The draw distance is huge and I never noticed any objects suddenly popping into existence. Sonic's model is fluidly animated (if a little low on the resolution side). Easily the best looking SEGA game on the Wii to date. I'd like to see this game in HD, then again, who wouldn't. It's certainly a good looking game.
Score: 9

#6) Graphics: Artistic
Sonic Colors flaunts some of the most brilliant environments I've ever seen.The worlds are varied and (dare I say it) COLORFUL. Everything looks great! Colors is easily one of the most beautiful games I've played, and is definitely in the top 5 best looking Wii games to date, just behind Mario Galaxy 2.
Score: 10

#7) Sound: Effects
SEGA has always had a thing for recycling old sound effects (Sonic 4 used a bunch of the effects from Sonic Heroes), thank goodness most of the ones used in Sonic Colors are new. other than that, it sounds much they way you'd expect it to. Enemies explode, balloons pop, rings ring (ding?).
Score: 8

#8) Sound: Music
Here's where Sonic Colors really shines. the music is absolutely incredible. The soundtrack is well done and some of the best the Sonic series has ever had. The music matches the environments perfectly, which is a plus (you'd be surprised by how many games mess this up). 
Score: 10

#9) Story
Sonic Colors is light on story, but what it sets out to accomplish, it does well. The only thing that really derails the writing is cheesy Saturday-morning-cartoon sound effects used during some of the cutscenes. Other than that, the writing is some of the best Sonic had ever had. The voice acting is surprisingly well done (SEGA made an excellent choice casting the new Sonic and Tails). Eggman's PA quips are exceptionally funny and add to the light-heartedness of the game. While the story isn't serious, it's well written and well voiced, and it shows.
Score: 8

#10) Bang For Your Buck
Sonic Colors for Wii - MSRP - 49.99$
For the content you get, I think the selling price is pretty reasonable (I'd be happier with 40$, but who wouldn't?). Although the game is short and the multiplayer is laughable, the campaign is fun while it lasts and there's a TON of replay value. I put in about 15 hours into my European copy and about 13 (so far) into my American copy (and I'm still playing!). While it isn't quite the 20 hour game that SEGA promised it would be, it's still a pretty good deal for one of the best Sonic games ever made.
Score: 9

Sonic Colors is one of the best Sonic games ever made. It's fun, fast, and beautiful. It does what it sets out to do and does it well. And while it has it's flaws, it's one gigantic leap in the right direction. Sonic Colors 2 anyone?


-A Gamer Who Rants

P.R. (Post Rant): God this review took forever to get out. I've been a mixture of sick and busy lately. Sorry for the huge delay. Hopefully my next review (Donkey Kong Country Returns) won't take as long to get out. I should start playing today or tomorrow, depending on how I'm feeling. Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone who celebrates it!

EDIT: My original review was an incoherent jumble of thoughts, that didn't come out quite the way i wanted them to. Here's the final review, and hopefully I never mess up that bad again. Seriously, how did I not catch this?

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